
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Aunt Lorie's Clarinet

Tune up.........
Rose playing her heart out!

Come on......

"Hey, I can play!!!!"

Aunt Lorie is really good, she played for 15 years in school, then she gave it to one of her nieces, and they never played it so she asked for it back and she is loving it!!!

My Clarinet!!!


The Reynolds said...

Haha! So funny!

Melanie said...

Neat! I have a clarinet that belonged to MY aunt :-) ... I played it on and off until the cork began to crumble and now it won't play right... :-S It's fun though, when I can play it. :-)

The Reynolds said...

Hey!!!!! Are you all alive! Just wondering. Love you all- Kayla

Margaret Dashwood said...

Hey! Sorry I haven't been on here for sooo long...
Nice pictures!! I love listening to clarinet, but I don't think I could ever play it. :-D
Post SOOOON!!! -Bethany