
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bad news!!!!!

Just to let everyone know, Every single picture from the last 3 years is GONE!! So when we have time to load the pictures that we do own on the computer we will post!! Sorry its been so looooooooong but it was for a good reason. (well not exactly good) Post coming someday:):)


The Reynolds said...

OMW! Did you have em backed up on something??? That is awful!~Juli

The Sorta Zoo! said...

Nope! all gone! fast comment! Angelina

Sarah P said...

Oh wow! How awful!!! You should have backed some up, although that doesn't help the situation now - so I won't go on about it :)
Love ya all, and see you soon,
Good luck with the pics!

Amanda said...

Oh! That IS bad!

Margaret Dashwood said...

Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's horrible! I hope you can somehow get them back!
I am looking forward to a post soon. :)-Bethany