
Friday, April 2, 2010

Chef Josiah, and his wonderful Home-Fries!!!

"Hello my friends, Thank you for coming by for a visit, cause today's a good day!!..... We are going to make 'Home-Fries'!"

"All you need is a bit of oil.....

....and some taters."

Slice, slice, slice!

still chopping.....

Ummmm, Excuse me Joe, what's going on???
We need to keep going!

Ah yes, we need some seasoning's!

Ahha! I have found what I am looking for!!!

Ahem... Josiah, you need to stop getting sidetracked, you have hungrey people waiting!!!!!!!!


"Come back again my friends!! You never know what will happen when Chef Joe comes around!!!"
Posted by: Angelina
Pictures by: Angelina


Amy Jo said...

Hey those are great pictures!
Chef Josiah Sorta...can we order home-fries sometime?? Hehe...
Looks YUMMY!

Unknown said...

Well, those look good! I'd like to order some too! Oh, and can I say those are called "chips" here in New Zealand!!! Great pictures!!!

Naomi said...

Wow, how did you manage to get pictures of Josiah without him smashing the camera?? AND actually looking sane - in one or two pics, anyway?

Unknown said...

Hee hee...nice! :)

Rose said...

Don't ask me Nomy, I haven't a clue! He just let me! lol!!!

Pollock Family said...

I miss Chef Josiah, making those wonderful taters. They were, "Oh, so vondeeful, vondeeful."

Love the pics.

Miss y'all,
Momma P

Amy Jo said...

YUM YUM YUM!!!!Looks so CoMpLeTeLy DeLiCiOuS!!!!!