
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sorry, we had a bit of a complication the other day trying to bring home our addition... I'll have to write more later. Sorry to keep you hangin'!


The Reynolds said...

Hurry up guys! Is it really Jess G.'s horse? Why is she getting rid of him? That is sad! At least you guys can enjoy him though!!! Angelina I am in the midst of writing you a letter ok?-juli

Margaret Dashwood said...

yeah!! Hurry up and tell us!! I really want to find out!!^_^


The Reynolds said...

Sorry to hear you can't get Dakota loaded on a trailer...maybe you need a big old crane!!--Juli

The Pollock Family said...

OK, OK, we've tried to patient, but you're expecting waayyy too much!! We were just gonna sit back and wait like good littles boys and girls but our patience has met its end, so PLEASE post the answer we've been waiting for.

Thankyou, we'll be checking.

God bless y'all,
The Pollock Family