
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Saturday -Tuesday

The famous 4 square!

Emily B. enjoying the game...

Mrs. and Josiah Hommes...

Lauren P. doing who knows what...

Adam being a Brockett...


Emily B. and Levi...

Group pic...

Riding home from playing in the grave-yard...

Rose and Hillary, the mechanics...

Emily B. didn't think we were really taking the picture...

The hiding monkey, Levi...

Hillary B. running to base with all her might!

Jada just couldn't catch her...

Another group picture...

A girls picture, Emily S. was taking the picture...

Hillary B. trying out the kett-car...

Emily B. trying it out...

Me, Rose, had to do it too...

Hillary hiding...

At the Pawley's doing our chicken chores...

The shirt says " I shall wear purple with a red hat"!!
Just hangin' out watching "The Last Sin-Eater". Scarrrry!

The pool party.... the crazy picture!

More in the pool...

"Marco"... "Polo"

At the Pawley's

At the Pawley's...

The Pawley's beef cows... Black Angus crosses.


Abbie "playing" her flute...

Aaron being Aaron...

Pastor was zonked after a day in the barn...

A blurry picture of me and Nina...

Carving "flutes"...

The finished product...

The other side of the finished product...

The field...

Simple beauty...

More of the field...

Now that's Aunt Lorie!

Story-book, Abbie's friendly Golden-Lace rooster.


The Reynolds said...

Look's like your all having fun! Our company is leaving today. :) Puff

The Sorta Zoo! said...

yes we had tons of fun!! but hillary and emily got sick and had to leave early!:(

The Reynolds said...

Fun! We're going into withdrawal with the Parkinsons leaving today. :(:(:(:(ju

The Sorta Zoo! said...

Don't forget to tell Bethany to call me!! Or else...

Margaret Dashwood said...

I like the picture of the rooster!! --Fluff

The Reynolds said...

Oh that picture of Hillary tearing thru the graveyard is pretty funny! And Rose I love the picture of your red hat and purple shirt. You're so cute!:)Julia Reynolds

Sarah P said...

Definitely love the picture of you in that outrageous looking hat and purple shirt Rose! It makes me miss you so much more :) We'll have to see each other soon!

The Reynolds said...

Love all the pics! Too many to comment on though.:) Amy